
How to make the most of your Metatags

November 17, 2020

Posted by: DevDigital

How to make the most of your Metatags

Ever wonder how search engines populate results for searched keywords? The answer to your question lies in a website's metatags.


Metatags are snippets of text that describe a page's content. Metatags don't appear on the webpage itself, but only in the page's code. They are part of the HTML tags that describe a page's content to search engines and website visitors.


Every website on the internet is comprised of various keywords and descriptions. Search engines pick up those keywords and descriptions to help fill search engine pages.


So, how crucial are metatags for your online visibility? They certainly do play an important part in your search engine optimization. Search engines read these metatags to compare if the keywords and descriptions on your website match up to the displayed content. 


These aren't necessarily the make-or-break factor on where a website will rank on a search engine, but still, play a factor in your search visibility.


For example, suppose you're a bar on Broadway in Nashville. In that case, you're going to want to include a plethora of keywords in your meta tags that describe your location (Downtown, Nashville, Broadway, etc.) and also make your location unique from others.


It's also important to be mindful of not overloading metatags because search engines only read up to certain characters. Therefore, only choose the keywords you really believe will impact your search results and think people are searching to make the most of your visibility online.


Want to know how we can optimize your metatags for your website? Learn about our SEO offerings.




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